Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wed 3rd - Lake Louise to Jasper

Hotel: Fairmont Jasper park Lodge

Oh my early start, or is it all of last nights alcohol making me feel groggy? Chris managed to get up some pictures of the lake after breakfast before we boarded the coach as we realised we didn’t do this yesterday, nor did we transfer the pictures from the camera or recharge it’s battery!

First port of call for today was the Columbian Icefields for a trip up the Glacier. It gradually got cloudier and wetter as we approached the area. The format of the trip was a shuttle bus ¾ way up the mountain then onto a snow mobile - a beast of a contraption. When we reached the snow mobile station we noticed it started to snow a bit. When we got to the top of the glacier is was a blizzard, for proof of this see …..

We were somewhat cold after this despite the scotch which I nearly threw back up! Once back on the bus and slightly drier it was a drive up to our lunch stop - basically a restaurant and gift shop aimed at the coach tours and boy was it pricey. I did see a gorgeous pair of earrings but at $1500 I decided against them.

The final stop for the day was the Athabasca waterfall. I wasn’t expecting anything great giving some of the stops we’ve had but we were impressed, there was lots of trails to go around and lots of photos to be took.

For the adventurous on the bus there was a rafting trip along the river and to the hotel, we decided against this and just headed on to the hotel. The hotel is a lodge style so everyone has their own cabin. We took advantage of the outdoor pool until it got busy. We’d also booked an early tea in preparation for tommorows early start so we found ourselves in a bit of a rush.

The evening meal was the best so far I was adventurous and went for rabbit followed by bison oh and not forgetting the chocolate and amarreto mouse hmmm. In the restaurant there was a pianist and bassist playing which was pleasant although I had to stop myself singing along a couple of the songs. Chris had his sensible hat on and wouldn’t let us go to the bar so we headed back to the room to get the bags ready for the next couple of days and an early night.

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