Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wed 10th – Cruising Tracey Arm, Alaska

Hotel: Golden Princess

Today was another full day at sea or rather a cruising day up Tracey Arm, the fiord for glacier viewing and scenic photo’s. Unfortunately for us there’s low lying cloud and it’s raining so now glacier views for us. We did have lots of waterfalls though so anyone who’s seen our photo’s of Doubtful sound will know we can take lots of pictures of waterfalls! This time round we weren’t close enough for Chris to get drenched! We also got to hear the boat crunching few a few icebergs which was kinda eerie.

“Iceberg ahead!”

We had this naturalist guy broadcasting our the tannoy while we cruised the arm which was a tad annoying, don’t get me wrong we like to learn new things and if you ever get Chris talking about glaciers you’ll know he has a strong geography background, but this guy didn’t just talk facts he embellished it with pompous crap. Anyway apparently Princess are the only ships to navigate the arm due to its tight bends and curves – which I guess is true because from Juneau we were following/being followed by 3 other boats yet in this place we haven’t seen any.

Yep we went through that gap

Chris taking in the atmosphere, it was getting lighter by this point as we were nearing the end of the open sea.

Once back on open sea we headed up to the Skywalkers lounge to catch the last glimpses of the fiords unfortunately all the good seats were taken so this was the best I could do. Naturally we had a couple of cocktails to pass the time while we were there.

Yeah I guess this didn't resize to well its looks kind of psychedelic now!

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