Monday, September 8, 2008

Mon 8th - Juneau, Alaska

Hotel: Golden Princess

Today we docked in Juneau, home of the Mendenhall Glacier. Before we headed up to the glacier we took the Mount Roberts Tramway (a gondola) up the hill to catch a glimpse of the view between the clouds. Unfortunately it didn’t clear enough to get a decent view but we did get some atmospheric shots between the cloud cover. We also said hello to the bald eagle that was being cared for up there as it only had one eye.

We were booked on a trip in the afternoon to go to the glacier and the rainforest gardens so we had a bit of time to explore Juneau. We had a look around the jewellery shops and sat in a local cafĂ© for lunch and to use their wifi. We were told by the tour guides that before the cruise ships came there were only 4 jewellery shops in town and now there are over 20. They are mainly the same shops you find in the Caribbean ports as they seem to follow the cruise ships around trying to get all the American’s money. Chris was lucky as they don’t really do platinum in Alaska and Canada (too expensive apparently) so I couldn’t get what I was looking for!

The rainforest trip involved getting in golf buggies through the forest and steep incline. At the top there was a short boarded walkway areas which led out to a fantastic look out around the port and neighbouring island. The cloud had started to clear by this point and the sun even tried to poke through a couple of times.

Up at the glacier it was slightly chilly we had been warned to look out for bears and a couple of the tracks were closed due to ‘bear activity’ unfortunately we didn’t see any. The glacier was impressive and we had quite a bit of time to glaze and take pictures. There was also a visitors centre that we escaped to when it got too cold.

Back on ship we shared dinner with an Australian couple and had a fab time.

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