Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nathans new car seat

George and Lesley somehow managed to bag a free BMW car seat when they got their new car last week. Nathan can't use it until he hits 9kg but he thought he'd try it out for size........

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy 65th birthday Grandad

Nathan helps mummy to wish grandad happy birthday!

p.s. the cards in the post!!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pete n Lou's wedding

Pete n Lou got to preview their wedding photos and get them on CD this week so they've upload a selection to FB. I've snaffled a few for you to see.......

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Here's a wee picture of Nathan wearing his new jumper knitted by one of the ladies at mum and dads church, and playing with his Christmas pressie from Auntie Jo :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nathan at Grandma's last week

Trying out his latest hat, looks cute but it's a wee bit big yet, think it clashes with his mitts too!
Well the end of my second week back at work and it doesn't feel like I just had the last 7 months off, I'm looking forward to our hols that's for sure!

Chris has been off work for the last couple of days so he's had a little stint of playing mum, although out of the 3 days Lesley took over for 2 afternoons. Oh and we'll brush over the dropping the baby incident :P Lesley took Nathan to get weighed as with the clinic only being on, on a Thursday afternoon I can't make it cos of work. Turns out he's not put on as much weight as I thought, there seems to be a big difference between getting weighed lying down on the clinic scales and our make shift way of weighing ourselves then weighing us again holding Nathan and calculating the difference! His current weight is only 16lb 9oz (7.52kg) despite him feeling like he weighs a ton! He's moved onto 3 meals a day but still takes 3 bottles as well. he doesn't seem keen on water so Chris has got him drinking watered down apple juice which he seems to love!

It was my birthday last weekend and I got some lovely pressies, cards and messages so thank you everyone. We went out for a St Patrick's charity night on the Saturday and just chilled on the Sunday night with a takeaway. Mum, Dad, Stephen and Corrine came over to see me (or Nathan) on the Sunday afternoon so we had a nice catch up, although I don't think Stephen's hangover could cope when Nathan started crying and they made a hasty retreat!
The weathers started to pick up here so we've been able to get back in the garden again, this weekend is looking nice so we'll hopefully get quite a bit done if Nathan lets us that is!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back to work

Well it had to come round I suppose, but now it's here the idea of being a stay at home mum is very appealing. I guess Chris needs to get a promotion first or we need to win the lottery - I think the later is more likely. I'm only going back 3 days a week though so I guess its not too bad and I do have a nice big holiday to look forward to next month - nothing like easing yourself back into it. I've also made some scrummy biscuits to take in with me that's provided I haven't munched them all by then! I bought the Hairy Bikers 'Mum knows best' cook book so have been working my way through a few of the recipes but keep going back to the coffee kisses and cheesy nibbles page! Although that said I modified the coffee kisses recipe slightly to take out the butter cream and include a spoon full of coconut hot chocolate mix as the coffee flavour wasn't strong enough. I think I've made around 4 batches of each so far and that's just between me and Chris! Ahh well I never manage to stick to diets...

Nathan on the other hand is doing well with his food and he's now on his 3 meals. Not sure when he'll next get weighed officially again as I'm now working on the day the baby clinic is, so we'll just have to improvise at home and get a rough idea.