Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow glorious snow

OK so I never thought I'd say it but I think I'm slightly bored of the snow now! Pretty to look at but it would be nice if I could get the car out the drive without Chris's help or needing neighbours and passing drivers to push!!!! I'm thinking that the snow is probably about 12inches on the deck where its not been disturbed, its the height of the biggest plant pots anyway.

The cats don't seem to mind though, Gizmo just bounces through it bringing snow back into the house where it sticks to his belly fur! Benji had a minor accident the other day by getting his paw stuck in the cat flap no long term damage though, thankfully. We haven't been out making a snowman yet as I have no wellies.

1 comment:

Catherine McLean said...

I'm not laughing honest :p