Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How deep is your.....


OK I think I under estimated the depth of the snow somewhat! I've just been out trying to clear the path a bit and make life a wee bit easier for the cats in the back garden.

The deepest point of snow in the back garden came up to my mid thigh which I reckon is about 24 inches. It's obviously not like that on the streets but it is pretty hard going to walk through especially if you're trying to push (or pull as I ended up doing) a buggy through it. Even though I was only walking to the doctors 5 minutes down the road it took me around 20 to get there admittedly at least half of that was just trying to get along our street. The bus routes are fairly clear so you can walk along the road on those routes. I only manged to fall on my arse twice today so that's not too bad going. Some how Nathan managed to fall asleep despite being bounced through the snow. The council got some snow ploughs out now though or should I say a JCB, at least the front of our drive is a bit clearer now.

The icicle on our bedroom window is still growing...

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