Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

More random pictures

Hmmmm tasty fingers

I'm going to be a boxer when I grow up!

Air guitar anyone?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Get a room...

Thought we'd have a wee experiment last night and see how Nathan got on sleeping in the nursery. This is mainly due to the amount of noise he makes in his sleep kept waking me up! The ones that get you the most are the single cry every now and again that make you jump out of your skin but when you go to check him he's fast asleep! It's quite bizarre.Any how I can report Nathan passed with flying colours and didn't seem to be bothered that he was in a different bed or room. He currently in bed around 9, sleeping til about 4, having a feed and then going back down til around 8 so we don't think we're doing too bad.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My new toy #2

My wonderful husband has been busy in the kitchen while me and Nathan have been away. There's still a bit of work to do but the cooker is all connected up and working and looking fab. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nathan's first painting

It was easier said than done. The feet weren't too bad but trying to unclench his fists long enough to get a print was tricky! End result a couple of good prints, blue paint everywhere and a crying baby!!!!

Box Cat

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Piling on the pounds

Or should that be ounces? I took Nathan along to the drop in baby clinic today to get weighed seen as though we don't appear to be getting an appointment from the health visitor anytime soon. He now weighs in at 9lb 15oz that's 5oz's heavier than his wee cousin.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Alone!

We've had a weekend full of activity and so has Nathan. Lesley had a 'show off' day on Saturday where Gail and I took Michael and Nathan round to Danderhall for various Aunties, Grandparents and the likes to grab cuddles with the boys. I didn't take my camera but Lesley took lots of photo's so I'll upload a couple once I've pinched them from her! For Nathan that was the start of a long stay at Grandma and Grandad Griffiths's as we somehow managed to convince them to have Nathan overnight so we could have a night off a go to a friends 30th birthday party. A car full of stuff later and a fridge full of breastmilk we left Nathan and headed off for a wee drink to two. It was supposed to be fancy dress but I forgot all about it until the day before so we went in normal clothes.

It has to be said that we actually got less sleep by the time we got in that we would normally have had when with Nathan! I didn't even get much of a lie in due to the raging hangover!!! Lesley and George brought Nathan back at lunch time and I don't think he even missed us. He'd enjoyed his wee night away and even behaved himself for Grandma and Grandad.

That afternoon we had a reunion with the couples from the NCT antenatal class we attended. I forgot my camera so have pinched the following photo's from the other girls! We managed to be there all of 20 minutes before Nathan managed to poo all over his outfit so he looks a bit boring in his white sleep suit that we had to change him into. Not to be out done Logan not only got poo everywhere but then wee'd mid nappy change and ended up in the bath to clean up! Mum Laura took it all in her stride though and soon had him back in a different cute outfit.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Nathan's impression of Grandad Green

Sleeping on the sofa who does it remind you of? All you need to add is the cat cuddled up at his feet!

My new toy

For once the delivery company delivers something at the start of the time slot. Unfortunately for me (or Chris as he had to get up for them) the beginning of the time slot was 7am this morning!! Slightly worrying that the men couldn't get it through the kitchen door with all the packaging on! Still that's the least of my worries, before it even makes it to the kitchen Chris needs to attack the worktop and remove a cupboard or two. That's all providing he can get it connected up to the electrics OK as it needs a direct connection to the fuse box and there's no free slots (that's the extent of my understanding of it anyway!). Fingers crossed it will go in OK, it will make cooking Christmas dinner so much easier!

Nasty doctors!

We had to take Nathan for his first jabs this morning. I decided I couldn't face it on my own so made Chris come with me! The doctor checked him over first and just did a general check on his progress which was all fine. She did however spout some rubbish about watching his weight dropping and that we may need to top him up with formula? Given his weight has steadily increased since his initial loss after the birth, I mentioned this to the health visitor who as good as told me to ignore her! The health visitor was nice (they are the ones that do the jabs), I didn't have the nerve to hold Nathan while it was getting done so Chris did the honours. It was two injections, one in each thigh and judging by Nathan's screams it must have hurt him, bless his wee cotton socks, a swift suck of the boob though soon made him forget about it. We then went for a sing song at the library's Rhyme Time class and I got a good natter with some of the other mums.

Next lot of jabs are at 2 months so we get to repeat all this again in 4 weeks :(
