Friday, July 31, 2009

Midwife update

Nothing to report, got a different midwife to usual so didn't get the birth weight estimated, they're also in no hurry to see me again so my next apt isn't until the day after my due date. There's certainly no signs of anything happening early so although there's only 12 days til my due date it could be up to 24 before they consider inducing if nothing happens naturally. The bump has dropped a bit, not that my asthma has eased any, and we're about 3/5ths in presentation. The midwife says I'll feel it when I'm walking when we go to 2/5ths and 1/5th so for the time being it's just carry on as normal.

The sleep patterns definitely getting worse I woke up about 3 this morning and didn't get back to sleep until about 5.30-6. So today I'm feeling over tired and thinking an afternoon nap is required!


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