Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aimee Margaret Griffiths

Meet the latest addition to the household! She took us somewhat by surprise at lunch time by making a rather speedy entrance! My waters broke at 3am this morning but had no contractions to waited til after nine to go and get baba checked to make sure she wasn't in distress or anything. I had a couple of mild contractions whilst in hospital but wasn't dilated at all so we went home. Within half and hour of getting home I'd gone from barely any contractions to them being 1 minute apart! A (very) quick trip back to hospital and in for an examination, the bed I was lying on was immediately wheeled out of the room at top speed whilst I was told babies coming DON'T PUSH! well needless to say we just made it onto the labour ward but didn't have time to change beds or anything as the head had already delivered followed swiftly by the rest of Aimee. We were slightly shell shocked to say the least, a nice short 2 and half hour labour can't be bad! and certainly no time for drugs or a birthing pool! We're finally home now after waiting to be discharged and for blood to be checked so early night for all.


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