Monday, January 31, 2011

Nathan's 1st trip to the Barbers

Nathan's hair was getting to long for me to attempt to cut it so it was time to go to the barbers. He was amazing and sat still for the entire time - I think he was a bit shell shocked as to what was happening!

Cheeky Chappy

Flirty Florals

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just a few pictures from the last week. We've yet to have an up to date weight for Aimee as the health visitors scales were out of batteries when she went to do it last week. I think she may be back on Friday but not sure. We had a wee party for her on Sunday so the Griffiths clan could meet her, both Nathan and Aimee were on top form and a good day was had by all. We are gradually getting into a routine and I even had a 6 hour sleep last night although I think that was probably a one off for now! That said on a normal night we're tending to get two four hour stretches between the night feeds so it's not too bad.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Nathan and Aimee get to know each other

Big bro takes some time out with his wee sister...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Aimee 1 week on

Well we've all survived week 1 although mummy is feeling somewhat sleep deprived :S The first night home was spent with me and Chris taking it in turns to grab a couple of hours sleep whilst the other looked after Aimee. We knew we wouldn't have the same luck that we'd had with Nathan who was an excellent night sleeper. However, we managed to muster up some energy and go visiting as Stephen was having a wee tea party for everyone. Aunty Cath made the most of the time she had left here to get some cuddles in.

Day 2 night followed much the same pattern as the previous night but ended up with me having to express milk for Aimee as she just wasn't latching on.

Day 3 was fairly uneventful I spent the day tidying and taking down the xmas decorations and tree so Nathan's toys could get back to where they should be instead of the middle of the floor - well that is until the destroyer gets his hands on them and we're back to square one! On that we also though it fair that we'd had a couple of days to get used to Aimee and Nathan should come home and let Grandma and Grandad get some rest!

Day 4 - Wednesday. After still not hearing from the midwife's I rang them to find out what was going on and when they were coming out. Turns out I was a missed case and they made arrangements to come out that morning. It was more of a form filling visit but she arranged for one of the other midwifes to come back to help with the breastfeeding. In the afternoon I took Nathan and Aimee into Edinburgh to meet Cath as we weren't sure whether we'd get to see them off at the airport or not. We had a nice chat and cuppa in John Lewis while Nathan emptied the sugar bowls before we went our separate ways. Luckily the buses were still quiet at that point so I just about managed to get the huge buggy on the bus with no problems.

Day 5 - As it turned out we did mange to get to the airport on Thursday after all, as all our deliveries and the midwife turned up in the morning giving us the afternoon free. It was nice to say good bye although Nathan was more interested in running about than seeing his relatives! The midwife who saw us in the morning was lovely and after a bit of manhandling and pushing and shoving we got Aimee latched on and feeding. Now just plenty of practice to get the hang of it again! As for the house well it's now covered in bits of wood and has a tumble dryer waiting to be fitted.

Day 6 - Doctors, midwife, mess, shops! Well that kind of sums up Friday. I took Aimee down for her newborn check as it wasn't done in the hospital because we were a 6 hour discharge. George came and took Nathan for the day and after the midwife had been I took Aimee to the Fort, so Chris could work on the house and get the electrics sorted for the tumble dryer. I used my Mothercare vouchers that work had given me and got some nice pink girly outfits and a padded sleepsuit. I also used the vouchers Pete and Sara gave me for xmas and got a lovely bracelet watch from Next. A quick stop in Hobycraft for some pink wool and sparkly buttons then home via Danderhall for Nathan. House a tip but vent and electrics fitted for the tumble dryer :)

Day 7 - Pyjama day lack of sleep say no more! Still I did get some cute pictures of Aimee.

and finally mummy juggling the kids!.....

We're starting to get into a bit more of a night time routine now with a feed between 10 and midnight, one between 3 and 4am then another around 7 before getting up around 9am depending how noisy Nathan's being!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aimee Margaret Griffiths

Meet the latest addition to the household! She took us somewhat by surprise at lunch time by making a rather speedy entrance! My waters broke at 3am this morning but had no contractions to waited til after nine to go and get baba checked to make sure she wasn't in distress or anything. I had a couple of mild contractions whilst in hospital but wasn't dilated at all so we went home. Within half and hour of getting home I'd gone from barely any contractions to them being 1 minute apart! A (very) quick trip back to hospital and in for an examination, the bed I was lying on was immediately wheeled out of the room at top speed whilst I was told babies coming DON'T PUSH! well needless to say we just made it onto the labour ward but didn't have time to change beds or anything as the head had already delivered followed swiftly by the rest of Aimee. We were slightly shell shocked to say the least, a nice short 2 and half hour labour can't be bad! and certainly no time for drugs or a birthing pool! We're finally home now after waiting to be discharged and for blood to be checked so early night for all.
