Thursday, August 5, 2010

I spoke to soon

Well that was a stressful journey home. We have just spent a joyous couple of hours in the Sick Kids Hospital getting Nathan checked over. His temperature returned today and has been generally not himself while at grandma and grandads. Along with the cold sores he had he's also developed blisters inside him mouth and a rather nasty angry looking red spot/abscess type thing on his face - just in time for all his birthday pictures nice! Anyway the Pharmacist sent Nathan to the docs who then sent him off to the hospital so Grandma and Grandad had a lovely day with him. The outcome from the hospital was that he got the cold sore virus which I think the proper name is herpes gingivostomatitis so when he's older we can tease him for having herpes when he was a baby (sorry thought I'd make the joke before some one else did!). We were given some throat numbing spray to ease the pain and sent on our merry way. the only complication could be due to his eczema. Apparently if you have eczema and this virus it can infect other parts of the body and become quite serious, so we're on the look out for any new spots! i think it's fair to say it's just as well the sick kids is getting a new building the place is a dump and really cramped. Anyway he's now safely tucked up in bed but has been murmering a bit so fingers crossed he sleeps through the night.

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