Nathan's getting the hang of crawling now and pulling himself up on the furniture. Daddy and grandparents are advised to child proof the homes before we get back! Should be an interesting flight!
Bits and pieces about our wee family
Nathan's getting the hang of crawling now and pulling himself up on the furniture. Daddy and grandparents are advised to child proof the homes before we get back! Should be an interesting flight!
Saturday day we had another day of wandering the streets of Devonport we a wee pit stop in one of the local cafe's and Sunday we went to visit the long lost Griffiths clan over at Dilworth. Once everyone had, had a chance to meet Nathan we headed to the posh girls school next door for a school fate. This was no average fate as the main sponsor (one of several) was BMW, and there was security guards everywhere! Still I managed to get Nathan a couple of bargains a rain coat and pair of trousers (new) for $5 and a foam hopscotch mat (used - but good as new after a hose down) for $1.50. Unfortunately my camera was just about out of batteries so the pictures didn't come out very well but here's a few....