Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy holidays

We arrived safe and sound around 30 mins earlier than the scheduled time which was good as the first two flights both took longer than expected due to have to wait for an allocated time slot by ATC to take off and land. Overall the flights were good, check-in at Newcastle was a bit of a hassle as they weighed everyone’s hand luggage (the one thing I didn't want!) needless to say we then spent 10 mins trying to rearrange the hand lunage to get each bag weighing under 7 KG. Through security and a nice massage by the secuirty (I left my mobile in my pocket by accident so it set the alarm off) we waved goodbye to daddy and went for breakie. Next task was to get Nathan's milk and food for the flight which again wasn't an easy task as it all had to be put in sealed bags so I had to work out what we needed for each of the 3 flights and pack them separately for getting through the security at each airport. As it turned out I didn't need as much as I bought as I could have got jars of baby food on the flight - something we know for next time. Anyway a quick round up of the flights; Nathan did really well, not a peek on the first flight. A few grumbles on the second and by the third he was a bit more restless and fighting sleep so more grumbles but no real screams. I think I liked the structure of the flight pattern: 7hours, 12 hours and 3 hours the first eased you into the second and the third was over in no time. I not sure the Dubai stopover was really worth it as by the time the flight landed around 1 hour late we've got through to where the bus was taking to the hotel and a 30 min bus ride later we only had 5 hours before pickup. The Melbourne stop was fine no problems getting the baby liquids through security and by the time we'd all freshened up and got changed it was time to reboard. When we reached Auckland there were no ques at immigration and the shuttle we'd booked welcomed us at arrivals.

The apartment is lovely and has fab views across Auckland Harbour, there's even a BBQ on the veranda. Once the weather pick as up I'll get some nice pics across the bay as you've guessed it, it's raining! - seemingly we brought it with us as its not rained in over a month typical. Cath cam over with Roo to have a nose at the place - sorry I mean she came to see us :P Once freshened up we had a little walk out to the supermarket before coming back to crash.

Today's been a lazy day mostly spent at Cath's we couldn't leave for fear of been drowned with the torrential rain storms! We did manage to sneak out though during a sunny spell so it was another trip to the supermarket (it's hard to remember you can't get a 'normal' full shop when you have to carry it all back) tea and fix the wireless which brings us to now.

Can't say we have any plans we've a few ideas of what we're doing plus making sure we take lots of photo's of Roo to take back home with us.


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