We got Nathan a new buggy today, an umbrella type folding one which you can take on the plane with you. I had a eye on a couple of the Jane Carrera ones on Ebay but they were going for £50 even though they were used. I luckily had seen one on Gumtree though which I managed to get for £30 not bad seen as though it was originally posted at £50. The only trouble was it was in Eddleston near Peebles, so we went for a wee jolly today. As you can see they've still got a bit on snow on the ground!
For being an umbrella style buggy it's actually quite big and like our other buggy the folding mechanism is easier than standard umbrella buggies. I've given it a wash over before the wee man tries it out but it is fairly sturdy and should last for a good few years depending on how the airplane folk handle it!!