Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Festivities in Whitley Bay

We spent last weekend down at mum and dads to introduce Nathan to his Great Aunties and Uncles and to do the annual Christmas exchange trip! Nathan wonders what he has let himself in for as the gang arrive...

Aunty Sally waited for a good 3 minutes before diving in for a cuddle

Closely followed by Aunty Miriam

The battle then commenced for who got him again Aunty Sally wins by swiftly elbowing Miriam in the chest!! (well OK maybe not)

Chris and I sneak in a few cuddles before Ann and Jimmy turn up for tea.

After a long day (and some wine in Grandads case!) the boys take a nap on the sofa......

While we were in the area we picked Nathan up a bargain eBay pressie for when he's a little older but let him try it out now for size.....

We headed back on Monday lunch time stopping in Berwick for afternoon tea on the way back. When we got home the cats welcome us back in their own special way......

So far this week the cats are taking the lead in the hunting stakes - Cats 4 Birds 0

All in all a good weekend had.

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