Sunday, August 16, 2009

Midwife update

Just a wee post to let you know about the midwife's visit on Friday. The primary reason for the visit was for Nathan's first weigh in and to do his blood spot screening. You are constantly told baby will lose weight and not to get upset about it- up to 10% weight loss is classed as normal for the first week. Nathan's new weight came in at 7lb 11oz (3480kg) which is around a 6% drop from his birth weight of 8lb 3oz (3710kg), so the midwife was more than happy that Nathan's progress. The blood spot screening test went ok to and Nathan didn't really cry that much at it. The test involves a pin pick in baby's heel to draw around 5 blood samples which then get sent off to be analysed for a number of different things.  We won't hear anything back from them unless there's a problem which I'm sure there won't be.  Other than doing that she was more than happy with Nathan and mum.

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