Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tattoo Preview Night

We went to the preview performance of the Tattoo last week so here's a few pictures....

Older pictures

Here's a few other pictures from the last few weeks of the kiddies.....

Nathan's Birthday

Despite the rain we still had Nathan's (and daddy's) birthday BBQ bash. It did mean though we couldn't put the bouncy castle up or give Nathan his bike to play on but he had lots of other things to amuse him and people to bug! I tried to get some pics of Nathan and Aimee in their party outfits before they got messy.

We opened Nathan's pressies on the Sunday so both mummy and daddy could see him enjoy them.

A big thank you to everyone for helping us celebrate his birthday and thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes, cards and pressies for him. Daddy still has to make Nathan's new play hut for the garden so lets hope for some good weather soon.

My new toys

We got some new kitchen toys today. Unfortunately the freezer side of the fridge freezer is a bit bashed and scratched due to the heavy handed delivery men so we'll need to see about replacing it. It also appears that I need to go shopping as the fridge looks empty, strange to think that that would have filled up the old fridge!