Monday, September 27, 2010

A few recent photo's...

First hair cut...

Budding computer genius?

Lunch time

New play den

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seaside fun

This afternoon we took a trip to Portobello, had a walk along the prom and let Nathan loose in the play park.

He's also got over his fear of the sand and quite happily played on the beach with daddy.

Time for a break to replenish the energy supplies...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thats a wrap..

Finger food is most definitely the order of the week. This weeks favorite is wraps, mainly of the soft cheese variety, we tried egg mayo earlier in the week but that was a bit messy! Today was toasted wraps with tuna and cheese, they seemed to go down well.

First Steps?

So far Nathan's been walking well around the furniture and holding onto your hand but he's been reluctant to walk on his own. Today he decided to venture off on his own so we're wondering if this is the first of his 'proper' walking?