Sunday, February 28, 2010

finger food

Nathan got his first rusk yesterday and what a mess they make!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Getting kitted out for the sun....

I'm just getting Nathan's bits n pieces ready for his holidays and in preparation for the lovely sunny shores of NZ we got some Baby Banz...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feeding time at the zoo

I've taken to extreme measures to catch all the stray food. It's amazing what use you find for muslin squares............... and voila one (relatively) clean baby!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lazy Sunday afternoons....

Time for chillax time on the sofa!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weigh in

Nathan got weighed again today he's up to 16lb 5oz now (7.4kg). That's an 8.5oz (0.23kg) increase from the last weigh in 3 weeks ago. He's now taking two lots of solids along with his normal milk intake. He'll continue with this for a couple of weeks before we up the solid and lower the milk. He still needs to try drinking from a cup, they say these days not to buy the no spill cups as it still encourages them to suck harder rather than sip at the drink. I feel that things are going to get messy!!

Jumping Jack

Here's a video of Nathan in his bouncer. I couldn't put the best video up as we're limited to 100mb uploads and the better video is 300mb!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not much been going on with us. Nathan's a bit red in the face (and the rest of the body) as he's got an outbreak of baby eczema we're in the process of trying out different creams and medication to try reduce and control it. I'll hopefully take him to get weighed on Thursday but the last weigh in a couple of weeks ago was 15lbs, 12.5oz (7.17kg) and a length of 68cm. We're just of out to take a walk while its dry.