Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nathan's new knapsack

Although he can't strictly use it until 6 months old he seems to fit quite well in it apart from sliding to the side every so often! It was also a bargain as we got it at TK Max so saved a few pennies from the RRP price :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

David Attenborough eat your heart out

As the young explorer made his way through the rain forest......

Little Swimmer

We were away in Leeds at the weekend and I purposely picked a hotel with a pool so we could take the wee man on his first trip to the swimming pool.

Unfortunately the weather was pretty awful all weekend so we didn't get much of a chance to go out and about. We did go back via York on the way home and I got the chance to spend Chris's pennies!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting ready for bed

Nathan shows no signs of wanting to go to bed......

Hmmm cakes

I had some eggs to use up so thought I'd do a bit of baking....

Hungry Horace

Nathan's been on a mission to fatten himself up this week, deciding that the boob wasn't enough for him and he wanted more!! He's been having a couple of cartons of formula a day to supplement mummy's milk which seems to be doing him some good and getting him back on track on the growth charts. He weighed in today at 11lb 6oz (5.16kg) that's a 9oz increase on last week!

Last week


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nathan on his swing

We thought we'd try out the video facility on the camera and capture Nathan zooming off on his swing seat. This thing goes fast!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Latest Pic

The wee man is growing he's now 60cm and weighs 10lb 13oz. He also had his second lot of jabs earlier in the week.