Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nathan’s latest progress

The health visitor came in today so Nathan got his weigh-in and height measured. He’s now coming in at 9lb 5oz (4.24kg) and his height is 55cm. Any observant folks amongst you will realise that his height hasn’t changed from birth, the health visitor says that it is unlikely that the hospital took accurate measurements and that hers is the one we’ll be going on from now.

She also looked at how Nathan was responding to voices, how he was holding his head and how his vision was coming along. He passed with flying colours and she’s very pleased with his progress. She even got some smiles and giggles out of him. We’re officially classing his first smile as the 5th September. Unfortunately the best pictures of smile we have is this one.

He’s also had to go up a size in nappies as the size 1’s were getting a bit tight around the waist! We’re going to try again with the reusable nappies now that they should be as bulky on him- watch out for the photo’s!

While we’re on about 1st’s, Nathan had his 1st holiday (Whitley Bay 17/09/09) and saw his 1st fireworks display (Inverleith Park 06/09/09). He didn’t actually see any of the fireworks as he slept through the entire night!

Aunty Cath’s holiday

Catherine arrived in Edinburgh on the 5th and was with us for 10 days before heading done to mums for the last few days of her holiday. I think it’s an accurate description to say all she did was shop! Nathan and I joined her on a few of these trips and I took her out to McArthur Glen to grab the bargains. It also meant Cath got to spend time with Nathan as it will be over a year before she sees him in person next at which time she’ll have her own wee one in tow. Big congratulations to Cath and Duncan, junior’s wardrobe is already taking shape judging by all the things Cath bought and the gifts the family gave her to take back! It’s strange for me being able to give Catherine advice on my experiences rather than the other way around. It’ll also be interesting to see how the advice the midwives give out varies from here to NZ. We made sure Cath got plenty of hands on time with Nathan and she even got to feed him his bottle on one of our trips out. She certainly seemed to be in her element pushing the pram around North Berwick!

We got a couple of photo shoots of Cath and Nathan before she headed home……

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More visits from Aunty Cath

Mum and Dad came round on their way home on Sunday and dropped Cath off to see Nathan. Not entirely sure what she is tyring to do here, we found it amusing even if Nathan didn't!

On Monday Nathan and I headed into town on the bus but only manged to get as far as Newton Grange before a wheelchair got on and we had to fold the buggy despite there being tons of space on the 29 and the wheelchair only going 5 stops grrr! After getting our bits and pieces we met up with Cath for half an hour and she couldn't resist buying Nathan a wee sun hat.

Nathan pops in to suprise Cath on her arrival

Cath gets a cuddle but Nathan isn't impressed!

Nathan tests his new rug out

We finally mange to coax Corrine into taking Nathan

Friday, September 4, 2009

Nathan gets cosy

We thought we'd try out the 'sit me up cosy' that Chris's work got for Nathan. He seems to quite like it and looks mega cute!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Give me something to look at mummy!

Nathan's starting to get more alert between feeds rather than just going back to sleep again. I have to say I find it quite strange to sit and talk rubbish at him like I'm supposed to be doing! What we have started to do is to use the high chair more so he has the chance to sit up and look around more as oppose to looking at the same patch of ceiling from his moses basket all the time! I can't quite work out if the big fish intrigues him or just scares the crap out of him!

Fat Boy Slim

The wee man has put on 7oz in the last week and is now weighing in at 8lb 8oz. I knew he'd put weight on when the health visitor came in saying 'oh he looks a lot bigger than when I was last here'!